Welcome to Pin Point Editing. I, The Pin, am here to help all writers. I give free first chapter editing, full manuscript editing, query critique, and of course, free advice for all writers on my blog. For everyone who views, comments, and follows my blog, The Pin greatly appreciates it. Your fellow nitpicker, *The Pin*

If you are a writer, and you want to get your first chapter, query, manuscript, website, article, (etc...) edited and/or critiqued by The Pin, please visit the page labeled Editing



"Dear Pin,
I wrote a book and I had no clue what to do next. There are plenty of websites out there to help writers like me, but I feared my writing was not good enough (I hate to admit.) to be seen by agent eyes. (That hurt to say that and I am wincing. Sad, but true). That’s when my friend recommended The Pin. He knows her through some contacts in the publishing world and I couldn’t thank her enough for working with me and for helping me out. She really opened my eyes to see my characters better, to believe in my writing and to revise my story to perfection. I don’t only speak of grammar which she knows down pat. I really can’t thank that nice lady enough. If you really want agents to pay attention to your work, you NEED The Pin. Did I mention that her prices are amazing for her services and she also gave me a direction to query in after we finished? Ok, enough of my rant. Basically, hire The Pin. She is a remedy for your problem. Honest."
Lavelle Devonè Broth

"I have to thank The Pin for the help on my query. Even on forums, everyone gave such diverse advice and The Pin really help me sort that and my query out. Thank you!"
Joanna Shell